Sunday, December 4, 2011

Phyllanthus amarus

Botanical Name:  Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn

Plant Family: Euphorbiaceae

Indian Common Names:
Hindi:  Jar amla or Jangli amla 
English:  Niruri 
Sanskrit:  Bhumyamlaki 
Bengali:  Bhuinamla 
Tamil:  Kizhanelli 
Kannada: Nela nelli 
Malayalam: Keelar nelli 

Botanical trait: 
Plant height  60 cm to 75 cm 
Blooms with many yellow flowers.  
On its side, branches below the leafs, small fruits will be seen to sprout uniformly 

Active constituents: 
The plant parts contain phyllanthin D, hypophyllanthine and five  flavonaoids viz. 
quercertin, astralgin, quercertrin, isoquercitrin and rutin.

Phyllanthus is an herbal medicine with anti-viral effect.  
It is used for support in treatment of in Hepatitis, Jaundice,  Gonorrhea, Frequent menstruation, and Diabetes. 

It has also been used on the skin for sores, swelling, and itchiness. Entire plant ( Root, stem, leaf area)are having its medicinal value and the whole plant is used in Ayurvedic formulation 
Research shows that this herb acts primarily on the liver. This action in the liver confirms its historical use as a remedy for jaundice. 
The plant has been traditionally used to promote liver functions. Detoxification is an important function performed by the liver. 

Pharmacological Activities: 

Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antidiarrheal, Antihepatoxic, Antihypercholeserolemic, Antihyperglycemic, Antihyperlipemic, Antimutagenic, Antipyretic, Antispasmodic, Antitumer, Antiviral, Cardiotoxic, Cytotoxic, Hepatitis B Surface antigen inactivation

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